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Our Energy Is Contagious

It was a gorgeous morning and promised to be a beautiful day. The temperature hadn’t yet hit 70 degrees outside, and the high would be only about 75. 

My son and I decided we’d take advantage of the...

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Which Came First, His Life Filled with Love and Happiness or His Gratitude?

Dad's life of music began when he was a small boy singing with his eight brothers in their own orchestra. They were impressive, later appearing on Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts in 1954, where the applause...

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I've Got a Spa Date with the Creosote

Those who follow me on social media know that I often post about my walks and hikes in nature and talk about the importance of spending regular time outdoors to soothe the mind and spirit.

But why is that? What is it about...

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How to Live with Childlike Wonder (aka Beginner's Mind)

As she let go of the back of the seat, I was launched into a sense of freedom I’d never known before.

Balancing on my sister’s two-wheeler, I propelled myself forward into the unknown, fully present...

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How Do I Get Rid of Difficult Emotions?

Dad would often speak of acceptance. I believe it was one of his favorite words. Others included "grateful," "love," "family," and "absolutely."

Dad was a wise man.

Accepting our difficult emotions is a sign of strength....

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Just Say, โ€œThanks. It Was a Gift.โ€

Tired of people saying you’re too sensitive? I get it.

As fairly sensitive people, we know all too well the challenges we’ve had to endure throughout the course of our life.

And while these experiences are...

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How Your Posture Could Be Causing You Stress and Anxiety

Can our posture really cause us stress and anxiety? In a word, absolutely! At the very least, it can certainly worsen existing symptoms. It can also do the opposite. Here's the why and the how:

As the...

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Judge Much? (I Sometimes Do)

Let’s be honest. We all judge. I know I do… more than I'd like to admit.

Like when I'm driving on the freeway, keeping with the flow of traffic - maybe 5-10 mph over the speed limit - and some kid...

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Frustrated? Judgy? All Up in a Tizzy? Here's How to Zap It.

We all know that feeling...

We’re frustrated. Grumpy. We got up on the wrong side of the bed, or the day just isn’t going as smoothly as we’d planned.

We’re feeling stuck in a whirlpool of...

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